Oscar O. Bader House 316 East Tenth Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built ca 1920. Bungalow. The Oscar O. Bader House. As early as 1886, there was a one-story duplex on this site. Around 1920 the house took on the Bungalow style that we see today, either by the remodeling of the late 1800s structure or the construction of a completely new house. By the time the 1921 New Albany City Directory was published, Oscar O. Bader was residing here along with tenant W. H. Roberts.
In the mid-1920s only one address was associated with this property and the Baders were the only residents. Mr. Bader was a lawyer. The family had early ties to New Albany and several buildings in town bear the Bader name. Oscar died on January 14, 1953 and his widow, Bessie L., remained in the house until her death in August of 1969.
The Oscar O. Bader House is located in the locally regulated East Spring Street Historic District. Any exterior alterations must be reviewed and approved by the New Albany Historic Preservation Commission. For more information about the NAHPC and a copy of the City of New Albany Design Guidelines for the local historic districts, see www.newalbanypreservation.com.
The property’s judgment number is 22CO1-1310-MF-001520. With this number you can visit the Clerk's Office in the City-County building and enter it into their computers to find the judgment owed on the property. This is public record.

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To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 4 March 2014 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22CO1-1310-MF-001520. |